A condition where the spine abnormally curves from side to side. It most often occurs in teenage years, but can develop in the womb or childhood. It can be one, two to three smaller curves and they can cause damage to the spinal joints and disks over time. Most of the time they are small but can be very large and cause health problems such as restricting nerve flow to organs. If the curves are severe, surgical intervention may be required by using rods to straighten the spine.
A thorough evaluation of scoliosis is achieved through detailed imaging techniques, including pictures and x-ray analysis with precise angle measurements. This allows us to assess all aspects of the scoliosis curves, including the rotational aspects of the vertebrae and the overall mechanical function of the spine. Many patients are unaware they have scoliosis until they undergo this comprehensive evaluation, which highlights the importance of regular check-ups for early detection.
Patients can often be helped significantly if scoliosis is caught before their 50s. Early detection in adolescence is particularly crucial, as proactive treatments can prevent further progression of the curves. By addressing scoliosis early, we aim to improve spinal health and overall quality of life, reducing the long-term impact of the condition. With timely intervention, we can implement strategies that promote better spinal alignment and function, ensuring healthier outcomes for our patients.
Treatments are conducted through Biophysics protocols, which involve opening and stretching the concave side of the curves, along with spinal manipulation and strengthening the weak muscles. This comprehensive approach aims to rehabilitate the spine, reducing curve angles and improving spinal function, which in turn enhances mobility and reduces wear and tear. Additionally, individualized treatment plans are created to address each patient’s unique condition, ensuring the most effective outcomes. While treatment can take some time, consistent effort and adherence to the prescribed regimen are key to achieving lasting improvements in spinal health and overall quality of life.
Scoliosis usually cannot be completely “fixed,” but it can be significantly reduced and improved. Most cases are mild, yet over time, aging and gravity can cause the curve angles to increase. Therefore, it is crucial to address any degree of scoliosis early on and reduce the curves as much as possible. Learning how to maintain these corrections through exercise and proper foam rolling exercises throughout life is essential for preventing further progression and ensuring long-term spinal health.
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